The immorality of viral “gold digger” videos

Jabran Amanat-Lee
3 min readFeb 10, 2021

I am amazed at the fact that many enjoy the so-called “gold digger” videos. These videos are everywhere. Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and what have you. Millions of views, likes, shares, and comments. The most interesting part is that people find these clips funny and entertaining. And of course, people have all the good reasons to find these videos funny and entertaining. After all, these videos are out there to show the immoral, self-centered, cunning, crafty, and greedy nature of women. I mean, what could be more fun and entertaining than this?

“Gold digger” videos often start with a woman walking in the direction of a man, usually standing next to a luxury car. The man says hello to the woman and compliments her. The woman appreciates the compliment. The man asks the woman out. The woman looks at the car and agrees to go out with him. When they both are about to sit in the car, another man shows up at the scene. It turns out the car belongs to this second guy and not to the man who asked her out first. Of course, the second guy (the “real” owner of the car) humiliates the first guy for pretending to be the owner of the car. Then, the second guy also asks the same woman out. At this time, she agrees to go out with the second guy — that she thinks is the actual owner of the car. Just at the moment when she is about to sit in the car, one of the guys takes out a golden shovel — which was sitting somewhere in the car the whole time — and gives it to the woman as he calls her: “YOU ARE A GOLD DIGGER.” The ultimatum of the whole act is that both the first and the second guy are friends, and they are on a “gold digger” hunt. Of course, this makes these two men the saviors of the whole humanity. The world would be a lot worse place if these guys were not hunting “gold diggers.” They just have to save the world from women who love money and are the exact opposite of what a “good” woman should be like.

There are many different versions of “gold digger” videos, and if you are reading this, you probably have seen some already, or you will be watching these videos soon. All the “gold digger” videos (or at least the majority of them) have the same ending. It “reveals” the real truth about women that they are money lovers, which is the opposite of being a good person.

What is assumed here is that a good person, or in our case a good woman, should date any man on the street. She should just ride with the guy who owns the rusty car, whose dad pays for his insurance. She should just smile at the guy on the street and take him to her home, and it does not matter if he is the biggest loser in the world.

Obviously, a woman is a good woman if and only if she does not look for a competent partner, does not care about her future security, goes to bed with the kind of guy who shits in the public park, sleeps in his dad truck, and uses coupons for every single meal at subway. A woman who wants to date the guy who owns luxury cars, pays his bills, can put a nice meal on the table, make his family feel secure, and isn’t a loser, is obviously an immoral, self-centered, cunning, crafty, and greedy women. And there is nothing more fun and entertaining than watching videos in which these women are caught on camera and are humiliated. No, nothing can get more entertaining than this!

